Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Two boys... the world will never be safe again

Yes, it is true. Heidi and I hit the jackpot! We are pleased to announce that there are two new Byers men in the making. Some might say that this is a sign of the apocalypse, and if they inherit my knack for keeping the house in dissorder, I would tend to agree. All kidding aside, we are both ecstatic about it. I would be remiss not to mention that as soon as we left the doctors office with the good news, Heidi was already talking about trying for a girl.

I should probably buy stock in the company that makes Tylenol.

As you can see, I have updated the blog with the newest ultrasound. For those not familiar with ink blot tests...

Top picture: To the right you can see the head and near the center is his little arm/hand

Bottom picture: Center is the head and I personally think that above the head is his brothers foot... but I could be wrong on that one. (I like to think that they are getting all of the fighting out of their systems in the womb.)

  • Also of note, they both seem to have my ever growing belly! (Is it considered sympathy weight when it started before we got pregnant?)

Hope all is well with everyone and I will try and keep you posted to any new developments


Anonymous said...

I wanted to be the first to "blog" and say CONGRATULATIONS! You both will make great parents. Enjoy the parenthood ride - it is fast but exciting and you will no doubt find yourself a little nauseous.

Stacia Boden

Grandma Hoffman said...

Hi Ben,

Do you think that your "sympathy" weight might be the "nervous munchies"?

Hee hee,

Grandma Hoffman said...


Yes!---I think it would be WONDERFUL for you & Heidi to try for a girl! Bring on the grandchildren! The boys need a little sister to pamper!
